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CSS is used to style and design the elements of a webpage. One of the properties that can be applied

CSS is used to style and design the elements of a webpage. One of the properties that can be applied to an element is the color of its top border. There are several ways to specify the color of the top border in CSS.
The first method is to use the border-top-color property. This property sets the color of the top border, and it takes a value that can be a keyword, a hexadecimal value, an RGB value, or an HSL value. Here's an example:
pre { border-top: 2px solid; border-top-color: red; }
In this example, the pre element has a border on the top side that is 2 pixels wide and solid. The color of the border is set to red using the border-top-color property.
Another way to set the color of the top border is to use the shorthand border property. This property allows you to set the values for all sides of the border in a single line of code. Here's an example:
pre { border: 2px solid red; }
In this example, the pre element has a border that is 2 pixels wide, solid, and the color of the top border is set to red.
Finally, you can also use the specific border-top property to set the color of the top border. Here's an example:
pre { border-top: 2px solid red; }
This code sets the top border of the pre element to be a 2-pixel wide solid line with a red color.
In conclusion, there are several ways to specify the color of the top border in CSS. You can use the border-top-color property, the shorthand border property, or the border-top property. These properties allow you to create a variety of effects and give your webpages a professional and polished look.





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